Blog Post

Surprising Facts about Solid Waste and Landfill 

  • By William Thompson & Son
  • 06 Sep, 2019

Waste not, want not - or so the saying goes. The issue is, we seem to be a nation of ‘wanters’, and considering the staggering statistics on our tendency to throw away items after a few or one use, we’re a nation of wasters as well. Here we have accumulated some shocking statistics about our waste habits in the UK.


Check out these surprising facts on our (literally) rubbish habits.

How much waste is produced in the UK?

Its estimated that the amount of waste we produce in the UK equates to:

●    in one hour would fill the Albert Hall

●    in one day would fill Trafalgar Square to the top of Nelson’s Column

●    in nine months would fill Lake Windermere


We throw out around five million tonnes of electrical waste globally every single year. That’s nearly four million double-decker buses worth of old computer equipment, televisions, stereos and kitchen appliances, stretching to the moon more than three times. 

Between 20% and 40% of fruit and vegetables are turned away by supermarkets before they even reach the shelves. Why? Because they don’t adhere to their aesthetic standards. Essentially they are misshapen, lumpy or just unusual-looking - but this doesn’t mean they are any less tasty. 

We used to get through 500 million plastic bags every week in the UK, this equates to billions of bags and thousands of tonnes of plastic. Sadly, each bag will take between 500 and 1,000 years to decompose in a landfill site. However, since the introduction of charged bag usage, this has dropped by a staggering 85%. A real victory for Mother Earth! 

In addition to this we throw away 7.2 million tonnes of food every year, and more than half of it’s edible, or just out of date. This happens despite 1 in 7 people across the world don't have enough to eat. 

In short, the UK needs to dramatically decrease the amount of rubbish it sends to landfill sites, regardless of when space runs out, landfill sites are a finite resource. It also needs to increase efforts to clear existing sites up, as the pollution caused by them is unacceptable. 

Here at W M Thompson & Sons, we are mindful about the waste we dispose of, that is why we have our own on-site recycling plant and supply of recycled aggregates, we’re committed to neutralising any negative environmental impact caused by quarrying. Don’t hesitate to get in contact with our team to find out more about what we do.

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