Blog Post

Why You Should Use Recycled Aggregates For Your Next Project

  • By William Thompson & Son
  • 01 Dec, 2020
Recycled aggregates

Today, more and more people are taking the necessary steps to reduce our impact on the environment and lead a more eco-friendly lifestyle. A huge part of these changes include reducing how much waste we produce and reusing and recycling wherever possible. If you run a construction company or you’re undertaking a building project, you may have found yourself wondering how you can make your work more eco-friendly. 

With each year that passes, our world grows and urbanises at an even faster rate, which places the responsibility on us to try to sustain our existing environment and do our bit to reduce the impact we have on the earth. If you’re wondering how you can make your next construction project more eco-friendly, recycled aggregates is a great place to start.

What are recycled aggregates?

Recycled aggregates are developed from old materials used in past construction projects. In the past, when a building or construction project was demolished, the waste produced would end up in landfill - this would include materials such as gravel, concrete, stone, sand and bricks. However, today these leftover aggregates are reused and recycled for other construction projects. 

Recycled aggregates are essentially reprocessed materials that have previously been used in construction. Instead of sending the waste to landfill, taking up precious space on our planet and polluting the earth, these aggregates are instead recycled and can be used for future projects. Reprocessing these materials includes crushing, mixing and grading aggregate to meet the required specifications, so you can rest assured the quality is just as high as normal aggregate.

Benefits of using recycled aggregates for your next project


Recycled aggregate is regarded as a ‘green’ and sustainable construction material, offering a great alternative to more harmful construction projects. Using recycled aggregates for your next project reduces the amount of virgin aggregates that are created, which in turn means less natural resources are used up. 

There’s no denying every construction project produces a lot of waste. If this waste isn’t recycled, it otherwise ends up in landfill. Reprocessing these materials and turning them into high-quality, usable aggregate for future projects ensures these materials are kept away from landfill and repurposed for new projects.


As a business owner, you’re likely always looking for ways to reduce your expenditure on materials and construction costs. As recycled aggregates are less expensive to produce and manufacture than virgin materials, they can save you a significant amount of money. Using recycled aggregates instead of virgin aggregates will ensure your project stays within budget and save you some extra costs.


Even though recycled aggregates are a far more cost-effective option, this doesn’t mean they scrimp on quality. Recycled aggregates are sturdy and have a long lifespan; they actually offer the same quality and grade as new aggregates and are considered to be as structurally reliable as natural aggregate. 

Opting for recycled aggregates doesn’t mean you have to compromise on strength, durability or reliability. Recycled aggregate has to meet the legal standards of construction materials and undergo rigorous reprocessing methods to ensure it meets all legal structural requirements.


If you’re looking for a versatile material suitable for a range of different projects, recycled aggregates are ideal. Not only are they environmentally friendly and cheap to buy, but they can also be used for various different functions, from basic home improvement projects to roads and earthwork. If you want to save some extra cash and bulk buy recycled aggregates, you can rest assured they can be used across a variety of projects and will have a number of uses. 

Generally, recycled aggregates include crushed stone, sand, gravel, recycled brick, recycled concrete and recycled asphalt. The flexibility and versatility of recycled aggregates makes these materials suitable for hundreds of different projects, both domestic and commercial.

Finding a reliable recycled aggregate supplier

Once you’ve made the decision to use recycled aggregate for your construction project, the next step is finding a reliable supplier. To ensure you purchase the best and highest-quality recycled aggregate, you’ll need to find an experienced and reputable company. Follow our top tips below for finding a top recycled aggregate supplier near you.

Look for an experienced company

With experience comes quality. Choosing a company that has been in the industry for years is key; the more experience a company has, the more time they’ve had to perfect their services and products. While it’s always good to support start-up companies, we recommend choosing an experienced company that has been in the industry for a while. Experienced companies will have had more time to develop high-quality services, prices and products.

Choose a company that cares about sustainability

When you purchase recycled aggregates from a company, you can assume they’re environmentally friendly where possible. However, it’s always worth doing a bit of research and checking exactly how they work. Choose a company that provides you with products that have been produced as sustainably as possible and one that cares about the impact they have on the environment.

Shop around for competitive prices

Let’s be honest, one of the most important factors in a construction project is price. Each construction project has its own budget, and it’s crucial you stay within this budget. While recycled aggregate is cheaper to purchase than virgin aggregate, you’ll still find companies that charge more for it than others. 

It’s worth taking the time to shop around and find a company that offers competitive prices. Reading online reviews from customers and clients can give you a good idea of the company in question; if there are plenty of good reviews, this is a good sign. If there are lots of negative reviews, it’s probably worth taking your business elsewhere.

Talk to the company in question

If you’re in need of a regular supply of recycled aggregates for your projects, it’s worth developing a positive relationship with your supplier. Before you choose a supplier, don’t be afraid to ask any questions or communicate any concerns you have. Any reputable and reliable supplier will be more than happy to answer your questions, discuss their services and tell you exactly what recycled aggregate they have.

W M Thompson & Son: Suppliers of Reclaimed Stone and Other Recycled Aggregates

At William Thompson & Son, sustainability is at the forefront of our business ethos. We ensure every aspect of our operation is as green and environmentally friendly as possible. While the construction industry produces a lot of waste, we pride ourselves on reducing this waste through the use of efficient recycling practices. 

When you purchase recycled aggregates from W M Thompson & Son, you can rest assured you’re sourcing products of the highest quality that have been produced as sustainably as possible. We also supply quarry products, haulage and landfill for inert materials to all sectors of the construction and building industry across the west of Scotland. 

We’re proud to provide each one of our customers with creative solutions that meet their requirements at extremely competitive rates. With over 70 years of experience, you can rely on us to deliver high-quality products using methods that have the lowest possible impact on the environment. 

To learn more about us, visit our website.
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